Thursday, August 21, 2014

Does your office have a plan to protect against hackers gaining access to PHI?

     There are many stories that we here on the news about hackers getting our credit card information but what about hackers gaining access to your social security number, health records, and so much more. HIPAA was put into place to assist healthcare organizations on protecting one’s individual health information. How compliant is your office with HIPAA? Does your office understand the complexity of HIPAA and the new adaptation of the Omnibus Rule? Safety and Compliance training is what get offices into compliance. MedTrainer is a system will help your office get into compliance fast! MedTrainer offers an extensive HIPAA course that assures that all the employees understand the complexity of HIPAA and tests them on their knowledge.
     Our goal at MedTrainer is to keep compliance and training management simple, affordable, comprehensive and engaging.  We strive to save organizations money while keeping them compliant with federal, state and local regulations without over complicating the process.

Take a look at what can happen with a breach of protected health information.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

6 Ways MedTrainer Helps You Ensure HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA enforcement activities have been on a rise and MedTrainer would like to help your organization stay compliant with state and federal regulations. Given that the penalties for violating HIPAA have increased under the final rule, this is a situation that organizations want to avoid. With MedTrainer organizations can easily manage all users online and quickly see what compliance & safety training needs to be addressed.

1.     Development of privacy policies. Healthcare organizations must develop, adopt and implement privacy and security policies and procedures document all of their policies and procedures, including steps to take when a breach occurs. MedTrainer develops you safety and plans and incident reports with one simple click.
2.     Appointment of privacy and security officers. MedTrainer lets you create an Admin to easily manage all of your employees even at multiple locations so you can ensure that all staff is up to date with their training.
3.     Conducting regular risk assessments. Healthcare organizations should regularly conduct risk assessments and can easily be does online with MedTrainer as you can review where each student is at with their training. When audits come around the admin can view what areas of safety and compliance your organization needs the training so they can get up to par with state and federal compliance regulations.
4.     Training. MedTrainer assists with training employees who use or disclose protected health information and documents that training online and is an essential step to ensuring HIPAA compliance. MedTrainer also offers refresher courses and helps train the employees in new policies and procedures.
5.     Adoption of potential breach protocols. A protocol for investigating potential breaches of protected health information is a must. MedTrainer easily creates a document of the results of the investigation and stores the incident report within the MedTrainer database where the Admin can easily access it.

6.     Implementation of privacy policies. Privacy and security policies must be properly implemented by healthcare organizations, and they should sanction employees who violate them. MedTrainer assists management with these processes with the incident report builder.

MedTrainer will help healthcare organizations ensure that they remain HIPAA compliant, schedule a free online demo at