There are many stories that we here on the news about
hackers getting our credit card information but what about hackers gaining
access to your social security number, health records, and so much more. HIPAA
was put into place to assist healthcare organizations on protecting one’s
individual health information. How compliant is your office with HIPAA? Does
your office understand the complexity of HIPAA and the new adaptation of the
Omnibus Rule? Safety and Compliance training is what get offices into
compliance. MedTrainer is a system will help your office get into compliance fast!
MedTrainer offers an extensive HIPAA course that assures that all the employees
understand the complexity of HIPAA and tests them on their knowledge.
Our goal at MedTrainer is to keep compliance and training
management simple, affordable, comprehensive and engaging. We strive to
save organizations money while keeping them compliant with federal, state and
local regulations without over complicating the process.
Take a look at what can happen with a breach of protected
health information.