Avoid Fines From $495- $37,500 By Having All Staff Do Required D.O.T. Training.
Both truck drivers and medical office staff who deal with any aspect of shipping or receiving hazardous chemicals, waste or other hazardous materials are ALL required to have D.O.T training. D.O.T training gives employees the ability to know the specifics behind shipping hazardous materials. Just think… who in your office signs off on the medical waste manifest when your provider comes to pick up waste? Who signs off on the hazardous waste from your lab or surgical center? Can you prove that these employees have been trained and do all your training efforts include:
ii. Function-specific, training
iii. Safety
iv. Security awareness
v. In-depth security training, if a security plan is required
vi. Driver training (for each hazmat employee who will operate a motor vehicle) *most likely not needed for medical staff.
With fines ranging from $495 up to $37,500 per violation (each piece of paper with a signature from your staff who does not carry a certification could be separate violations) There is no reason not to have your staff properly trained. If you currently do not train staff on these trainings there are plenty of places to get this training cheap including my organization.
By: Steve Gallion, CEO, MedTrainer.com
Steve Gallion has been providing healthcare related compliance consulting and services to the industry for over 10 years. He has had multiple companies from IT Security Compliance and Healthcare Waste Management to Regulatory Training and Compliance. He is an expert in many areas of healthcare compliance including OSHA, HIPAA, DOT, Billing and Accreditation. You can learn more about Steve and his company at http://www.medtrainer.com.
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